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Welcome to SEVENS database


SEVENS summarizes GPCR (G-protein coupled receptor) genes that are identified with high accuracy from 68 eukaryote genomes, by a pipeline integrating such software as a gene finder, a sequence alignment tool, a motif and domain assignment tool, and a transmembrane helix predictor. This treats a larger data space (than that in currently available other databases), which should include not only the expressed sequences but also the newly identified sequences that cannot be detected by in vivo experiments, although they definitely exist on the genome sequence and are just waiting for the opportunity to express their functions.
SEVENS can provides the infrastructure of general information of "GPCR universe" for comparative genomics.

Our information
Makiko Suwa, Yukiteru Ono, Minoru Sugihara, Tatsuya Nishizawa, Toshiyuki Sato, Ikuo Okouchi, Toshitaka Kumagai, Masanori Arita, Wataru Fujibuchi, Kiyoshi Asai and Yutaka Akiyama

Computational Biology Research Center (CBRC),National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), AIST Tokyo Waterfront Bio-IT Research Building, 2-42 Aomi, Koutou-ku, Tokyo 135-0064, JAPAN.

Shinichi Matsumoto, Shuichi Tsutsumi and Hiroyuki Aburatani

Genome Science Division, RCAST, Univ. Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba,Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8904, JAPAN.

Automatic gene collection system for genome-scale overview of G-protein coupled receptors in eukaryotes.
Ono Y, Fujibuchi W, Suwa M.
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Computational overview of GPCR gene universe to support reverse chemical genomics study.
Suwa M, Ono Y.
Methods Mol Biol.577,41-54(2009).


Genome GPCR No. Large Families
(Homo sapiens)

1265 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Chemokines and chemotactic factors receptors
(Pan troglodytes)

1203 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Family T2R receptors (taste receptors)
(Gorilla gorilla)

867 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Chemokines and chemotactic factors receptors
(Pongo abelii)

1211 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Pheromone receptors
(Papio hamadryas)

1066 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Chemokines and chemotactic factors receptors
(Rhesus macaque)

1000 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Family T2R receptors (taste receptors)
(Microcebus murinus)

1204 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
(Tarsius syrichta)

1034 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
(Callithrix jacchus)

1010 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
(Ottolemur garnetti)

1068 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors

2196 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
(Erinaceus europaeu)

1316 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family T2R receptors (taste receptors)
Common shrew
(Sorex araneus)

1571 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family T2R receptors (taste receptors)
(Echinops telfairi)

1232 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
Family 2 (B) receptors
Guinea pig
(Cavia porcellus)

1466 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family T2R receptors (taste receptors)
(Rattus norvegicus)

2334 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
(Mus musculus)

2320 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
(Spermophilus tridecemlineatus)

2252 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
(Procavia capensis)

1306 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Pheromone receptors
(Pteropus vampyrus)

1243 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Trace amine receptors
(Myotis lucifugus)

830 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Chemokines and chemotactic factors receptors
(Equus caballus)

2596 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
(Canis familiaris)

1438 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Chemokines and chemotactic factors receptors
(Felis catus)

931 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
(Bos taurus)

2606 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
(Vicugna pacos)

1222 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
(Tursiops truncatus)

507 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
(Oryctolagus cuniculus)

1367 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
(Ochotona princeps)

1069 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
(Loxodonta africana)

3470 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
(Dasypus novemcinctus)

2191 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
(Choloepus hoffmanni)

2343 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
(Monodelphis domestica)

2083 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
(Macropus eugenii)

2050 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
(Ornithorhynchus anatinus)

1777 Pheromone receptors
Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
(Gallus gallus)

683 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Adenosine and adenine nucleotide receptors
Zebra finch
(Taeniopygia guttata)

736 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Adenosine and adenine nucleotide receptors
(Anolis carolinensis)

686 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Western clawed frog
(Xenopus tropicalis)

2418 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Pheromone receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
(Oryzias latipes)

744 Family 2 (B) receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
(Gasterosteus aculeatus)

771 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
Family 2 (B) receptors
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618 Family 2 (B) receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
(Fugu rubripes)

655 Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
Family 2 (B) receptors
Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
(Danio rerio)

1050 Trace amine receptors
Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
(Petromyzon marinus)

281 Odorant/olfactory and gustatory receptors
Trace amine receptors
Adenosine and adenine nucleotide receptors
Sea squirt
(Ciona intestinalis)

112 Family 2 (B) receptors
Family fz/smo receptors
Acetylcholine (muscarinic) receptors
Fruit fly
(Drosophila melanogaster)

251 Insect chemosensory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
Fruit fly
(Drosophila simulans)

247 Insect chemosensory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
Fruit fly
(Drosophila yakuba)

264 Insect chemosensory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
Fruit fly
(Drosophila pseudoobscura)

246 Insect chemosensory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
Fruit fly
(Drosophila ananassae)

249 Insect chemosensory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
Fruit fly
(Drosophila erecta)

248 Insect chemosensory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
Fruit fly
(Drosophila grimshawi)

251 Insect chemosensory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
Fruit fly
(Drosophila mojavensis)

225 Insect chemosensory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
Fruit fly
(Drosophila persimilis)

231 Insect chemosensory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
Fruit fly
(Drosophila sechellia)

255 Insect chemosensory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
Fruit fly
(Drosophila virilis)

227 Insect chemosensory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
Fruit fly
(Drosophila willistoni)

260 Insect chemosensory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
Family 3 (C) receptors (metabotropic glutamate and calcium receptors)
(Anopheles gambiae)

236 Insect chemosensory receptors
Family 2 (B) receptors
(Caenorhabditis elegans)

1308 Nematode chemoreceptors
Serpentine receptor-like proteins
Sre proteins
(Caenorhabditis remanei)

1101 Nematode chemoreceptors
Serpentine receptor-like proteins
Sre proteins
(Caenorhabditis brenneri)

1250 Nematode chemoreceptors
Serpentine receptor-like proteins
Sre proteins
(Caenorhabditis briggsae)

904 Nematode chemoreceptors
Serpentine receptor-like proteins
Sre proteins
(Caenorhabditis japonica)

453 Nematode chemoreceptors
Serpentine receptor-like proteins
Dopamine receptors
Mouse-ear cress
(Arabidopsis thaliana)

19 Plant MLO receptors
(Oryza sativa)

15 Plant MLO receptors
Slime mold
(Dictyostelium discoideum)

30 Family 5 receptors (slime mold receptors)
Budding yeast
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)

6 Archaeal/bacterial/fungal opsin family
Family 4 receptors (fungal receptors)

We are pleased to acknowledge the use of the BLAST package from NCBI, the SOSUI from Dr. T. Hirokawa, the ALN from Dr. O. Gotoh, the HMMER from Dr. A. Bateman.
This work was supported by KAKENHI (208059) (Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results) of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

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Recent Revise on 2018/1/29.
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